"Two thirds of the jail population and one quarter of the total incarcerated population consist of pretrial detainees."
"The Economics of Bail and Pretrial Detention" 12/18
"The Economics of Bail and Pretrial Detention" 12/18
Hamilton County
View complete Tennessee Profile from Prison Policy Initiative. (Firefox browser is recommended.)
Images/graphs above used with permission from: Prison Policy Initiative
Images/graphs above used with permission from: Prison Policy Initiative
United States
*Pre-trial detainees
+PRETRIAL DETAINEE is the "term applied to the defendant who is held prior to their trial on criminal charges because no bail is posted or is denied a pre-trial release." Black's Law Dictionary
*"The number of pre-trial/remand prisoners fluctuates from day to day, month to month and year to year. . . an indication of the trend." World Prison Brief ![]() Sources:
1. Mike Little, Deputy Public Defender, Hamilton County 2. M. Little 3. Calculated using $97k of the $94,000-$97,000/day cost as stated by Sheriff Hammond and 2018 TN Jail Summary Reports. 4. Calculated using $97k of the $94,000-$97,000/day cost as stated by Sheriff Hammond and 2018 TN Jail Summary Reports. 5. Commission votes to put Hamilton County Sheriff's Office in charge of Silverdale. Chattanooga Times Free Press, 9/7/17. 6. Hamilton County Commission Hears Presentation on Future Jail Needs. Chattanooga Times Free Press. 4/31/17. 7. M. Little 8. Calculated using 2018 TN Jail Summary Reports. 9. Calculated using dataset from the Vera Institute of Justice. |
Test Your Knowledge of American Incarceration
(interactive graphics) New York Times, 12/21/18 "[C]heck your knowledge of the American criminal justice system and how the First Step Act fits in." Video credit: Vlogbrothers
Thanks to Visually (http://Visual.ly) for facilitating the creation of this video, to http://youtube.com/kurzgesagt for the animation, and to The Prison Policy Initiative for research help and fact checking. (http://www.prisonpolicy.org |